

Is chelation therapy refunded?

No, as a rule, it is not. In the Netherlands only a couple of insurance companies will refund partially. The companies’ policies may change every year regarding refunding.

Chelation therapy would be bad for the kidneys. You could even die from it. Why is chelation therapy not practiced in hospitals?

Chelation therapy is being used for treating cardiovascular disease for more than 50 years. If the guidelines of IBCMT are followed, health risks and complications are extremely rare, especially compared to invasive procedures with a mortality risk which cannot be ignored. Up to date no patient has died in the care of IBCMT doctors. The total death toll worldwide is not more then ten. Most of these cases occurred in the early days of the treatment, when too high dosages were administered in too short time periods.
If chelation therapy is administered according the rules of engagement, then it is even beneficial for the kidney function. In cases of deteriorating kidney function, an improved circulation will also lead to better kidney perfusion with resulting improvement in kidney functioning.

Chelation therapy is reviled because of a possible competetive influence. Cardiologist and surgeons prefer invasive procedures, the results of which are achieved faster for the short-term. On the long-term results of stenting are less favorable. Chelation therapy on the other hand has its effect on the long-term. By eliminating toxic metals less damage to arteries occurs; enzymes will function better. Repair processes can do their job again. The blood rheology will improve and last but certainly not least: the collateral circulation will improve. This is the reason why patients can exert again without chest pain or claudication.

Can I stop taking my medications as soon as I start with chelation therapy?

Your medication is crucial for you at the moment; most certainly in case of heart medicines.  
If you would experience a lot of side effects, please let us know, and we will try to find a solution.

I have heard about oral chelation therapy? Is this not more practical?

It would indeed be easier to have chelation therapy orally, but it does not work despite what some companies or physicians claim. EDTA is not absorbed after oral intake. To have a sufficient amount of EDTA absorbed very high quantities are needed, but this will inevitably lead to diarrhea. Nowadays chelation therapy is also offered as suppository. This bypasses oral intake, but has still problems of absorption. Companies claim to have found a solution for that by putting garlic in it as well. Administering EDTA otherwise than intravenously will not have health effects for the cardiovascular system.

Do I need permission of my specialists to start chelation therapy?

It is your choice. We advice patients to inform their specialists. Normally, we will do this for you. We inform about our findings and ask for theirs as well, but only after your approval.

Through a Informed Consent you give us permission to treat you.
You have the right to discontinue the treatment at any given time without any reason.